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cover by: Jamayka Rhose Pascual

Same place

Same face

But why am I feeling something new

Was it because of you?

You who walked confidently out the door

You who struck me through my hearts core

And you who played the song that I have thrown

Something….. that we used to own


Back when we we’re young and free

When we can pretend what we want to be

When we want the whole world to see

That our songs can affect people like a bee

That was what we want for our melody

But who would have known that it will all end in a tragedy.


And as I sang along 

Into your beautiful song

The melody that filled my ears

Struck me in tears


Oh, how wonderful it could be

If you can see me joyous and free

Oh, how wonderful can it be 

If you can hear this melody and sing it with me

I tried to grab you one more time

Still dreaming of watching you walk down the aisle

But before you can even reach the pope 

I lost my one and only hope

Your voice vanished

Yet the melody stayed

Ringing through my ears, wanting to be heard

Unlocking my memories , word by word


Oh, how wonderful can it be 

If you are still here with me.

For we could have written melodies to our hearts desire

Let our passion burn like fire

Because now I don’t care what people say or see

You will always be 

The most wonderful melody.

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