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The Axis of Campus Journalism
by: Jellica Mae Pascual

by: Jordan Mikeford Villaflor
From only being able to cry deafeningly, a baby’s weeping and asking for help would instantly turn into loquacious words. As a child grows, asking for help would not be often necessary and the situation might even be turned around.
Another step taken is when a child becomes an adolescent—the age when a person explores the most and has many opportunities to seize, yet significantly vulnerable. Even the United Nations International Emergency Fund (UNICEF) explains that adolescence itself is considered a risk factor as this is an important transition in the working of the brain. Adolescents usually tend to never easily back down and get afraid of things as they never fail to explore because their limits are still beyond their knowledge. This part of age is the most unstable of all but it is the best age to bet on things—to take risks and gamble in life. This leads to the most exciting yet scary part of their journey—the realization of their personal legend. The reason to live and the reason to have passion for something.
Despite being aware of the misery, agony, and woe that actual journalists can live within, campus journalists still continue with determination and are still in awe while watching their role models. Despite the ugly truth that lies deep within about how tragic journalists experience every day, campus journalists still keep on carrying on. Not letting hearsay remain as hearsay, they wield their passion to tell the truth to the world.
Being passionate about something will never be out of the picture. Some emotions would eventually wane but passion—is what keeps people’s blood running and hearts thumping. It is impossible to believe for passion to wane for it’s what keeps people sane. Thus, when it comes to passion, existentialism, and authenticity come forth.
The crazy thing is, even if that passion would cause pain and require a heavy burden to be carried, even if it requires such altruistic deeds, even if only a few would believe the truth told by the youth, campus journalists have never been bolder than before—always bringing the sought stories that were once untold.
The starting point of everyone is just all the same. But eventually, even if life would set forth uncountable detours, the sheer passion of campus journalism would find its own axis. The axis that will lead to one’s sense of direction. The path to preserving humanity and helping those who once helped you when all you could do is to ask for help by crying as a baby.
With all of the threats of global catastrophes, the passion of campus journalism should not be disregarded. Instead, this should be used most effectively because the axis of sheer passion will cause a nation to rise and open people’s eyes.