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Crippling Vines of Stress
by: Marco Graciano Nucum
Sonder—a word to describe what once was a mighty society, now a theater to shine its spotlight on every fall, breakdown, and flaw humans possess.
Through the walls of schools, offices, and pixels of screens, tears fall, faces relax in sadness, and anger blossoms through the rising decibels in voices. Imperfection is accepted but of all, the bruises and scars that stress can cause to people make them most insecure. 8 billion in numbers, 33% of people feel extreme stress while 77% feel the pandemic of common stress plaguing them on a daily basis.
Stress is the effect of being threatened or putting pressure on something or someone.
Based on mind.org.uk, it is when a person does not feel like they can manage or conquer a problem or event. Bereavement or financial problems are the most common causes of stress, both being widespread problems for all humanity.
Stress is something that many want to vanish but, harshly, many have no choice but to face the noise every day. Obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease are the most common yet nightmarish effects of stress. However, eating a balanced diet, exercising, sleeping enough, and surrounding oneself with positivity are solutions to prevent and lessen stress in a person's life.
Humanity is growing while the fog of mental and social problems makes a bright future opaque. Stress will forever be a villain to the human kingdom. Still, as part of the population, humans are warriors and positivity is their only power against the mental shackles that anxiety and stress have brought to them.