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Defenseless Achilles Heel
by: Jhared Ivan Isidro
Every student sets a goal in studying. Running around the hallways…quietly reading notes for the next class…writing key points for another lesson in a subject…these are the things that a student does.
In a school setting, several tasks are given to attest all your capabilities, memory, alertness, socializing skills, and smarts. From all the assignments and homeworks every after a lesson is finished, to having a group work or group projects working with your classmates, to reviewing for the next quiz because several topics have already been tackled, and to the summative exams that are given every quarter.
We tend to be delighted whenever we get a high score or a good rating from our teachers. Being praised by your teachers and classmates is an uplifting thing. Quarterly, grades are being given to students to show on how they ‘performed’ within the quarter’s period, some expect high grades, and some are okay with getting any grade.
Several students set a standard for themselves— because for them, getting a high grade validates their existence. Academic validation is when someone’s satisfaction is getting filled depending on how they perform in school.
It is stressful and pressuring but once you get the thing you’ve been wanting, it is fulfilling. However, getting validation from grades and scores, or academics in general is like being on an icy ground. Some want to get the title “with honors”, and once they get it, they will be needing to maintain it or get higher to feel contented and satisfied.
Currently, I do rely on my academics when it comes to me wanting to know my worth. As students, studying is one of our biggest responsibilities so getting an adequate amount of recognition is an amazing thing.
Though, it is understandable that at some point, we can’t reach the standards we set for ourselves. And this is the point where the F word comes in; Failure. The 7 letter word scares me. When validity in academics is lacking and when you cannot perform a task greatly, the chances of getting a low rating or score is big, it also comes to the point where you consider you as a human being as a whole failure.
In conclusion, balancing personal and school life is important, but most of all, prioritizing your health mentally, emotionally, and physically, is the most vital. After all, the grades in your report card and scores in your paper doesn't define you as a person, so don’t pressure yourself and just keep going.