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cover by: Jamayka Rhose Pascual

Our memories of youth

Is something we should truly treasure

When one day we seek what we want in life, we part 

on the same road we walk on 

Living wild and free, without giving much care to what 

we are being told

For now let us follow the flow of life's composure

Because as the days goes by we will walk in different path

And will eventually depart


Make memorable stuffs that we can reminisce

Before we are the reality of life give us blindness 

When time passes by

In just a blink of an eye

That memory will come to an end


We should not hide our emotions

So when we face hard trials

Free your feelings, breakdown and cry

But please do not ever try attempting to die 

You will be alright, it is just part of your plot

Your courage is something

that even the hardest challenge can never  bend

Get up, dust yourself, free yourself, love yourself,

fight again, and give it a shot

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