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Pallas Athena Prevails over Ares
by: Jhared Ivan Isidro

What will happen when the Goddess of war faces the God of war on the spacious battlefield?
Throughout humanity's history, many conflicts have occurred, yet the unending war of women against the misogynistic system is still ongoing.
The bullets of the world’s systems keep violently shooting the stained glass shields of females. Oftentimes, in the midst of the battle, women are being violated and abused in grotesque ways but no armor or weapons are given nor awarded to them. The protection of the government and laws for their safety is not too stable for them to keep fighting.
These pretty flowers are becoming the subjects for the insects taking some of their pollens and leaving them all alone wilted and destroyed. Before, women were seen as fragile and soft imagery of well-being with a certain responsibility in the house to serve their husbands and be good mothers. However, they are more than that.
When men strike first, they are considered as strong and powerful but when women counterattack, it is considered unforgivable in society because it is unusual. The war continues as the mindset of ‘double standards’ prevails. One example of double standards is while society approves anything a male wears, people shame and call women slut and whore when they wear revealing clothes.
This war has caused bruised knuckles but produced pink blood. Because the wisdom of women was at odds with the violence of this patriarchal society, this gave the oppressed the courage to fight for their rights.
Today, women represent different kinds of successful, known, and influential personalities that became the leaders in winning the war through educating and promoting equality and women's rights. Fighting with wisdom is better than having a blood bath that will stain the brains of future cohorts.
The unending war is still not done yet, but one thing is sure, Pallas Athena has her own clever strategies that will make Ares stop attacking and eventually help her turn the battleground into an unprejudiced haven for the next generation.