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Puzzling Poet Paradox
by: Jhared Ivan Isidro

by: Jordan Mikeford Villaflor
Standing in front of the listeners, the poet started to deliver his poem.
The first stanza was already confusing, the faces of the audience were unfathomable. Whispers… the poet hears whispers, and with that, there is a single tear emerging to fall from his shaky eyes.
Continuing to the second stanza, the poet starts stuttering and mumbling, the words are totally incomprehensive, and even the poet itself can’t even understand them anymore. Thinking, he stopped… asking himself, “Should I continue or should I run away?”
Nowadays, the majority of teenagers are experiencing a thing called ‘social anxiety’. The fear of humiliating themself, fear of social situations, and the anxiousness of being judged or criticized by others.
According to a study, there are three factors of having social anxiety; social factors, psychological factors, and biological factors. In these three, social and psychological factors are the main causes of having this.
The social factors—these can be from what happened in the past or childhood memories, having rejecting parents or being abused/bullied by some other kids and this causes uneasiness to a person to show up the real them socially.
The psychological factors—these are factors that are by thoughts. The dreadful feelings are rising when you cannot perform a task the way others do, the angst that you will be judged and talked about because you are being you, and also considering your existence as a failure.
Study says that 10-20% of teenagers are experiencing social anxiety, a situation that everyone should be aware of. Things that we should do or things that we should not do, being sensitive and being educated about this certain thing.
Considering that the other more than 7 billion people are your audience on stepping into the stage of life, it cannot be avoided that some people are not going to like or be fond of you.
Everybody is a poet. Everybody can express the real them. Everyone has their own stanza, style, and flow. The abstract art of poems is like the puzzling art of being a person, it can be gotten or loved by someone but everyone, however, it doesn’t mean that it isn't a nice work or masterpiece.
Conquering the stage, and putting the microphone up high, the puzzling poet disregarded all the whispers, instead, he devoured all the fear of seeing many people around him and continued on expressing the poem of his life.